Brandon & Kassy Lansdown - Reformation Coffee
Digital Conference - June 3, 2023
Brandon Lansdown has been hand-roasting coffee beans for 14 years. He and his wife Kassy Lansdown now own and operate Reformation Coffee roaster. They want you to reform your coffee experience, and move away from woke coffee corporations.
Enter code SUBFREE to get one free 12oz. bag of coffee with new subscription.
Visit and enter the code SUBFREE to get one free 12oz. bag of coffee with a new subscription.
Up Next in Digital Conference - June 3, 2023
Will Spencer - "Labour?"
Will Spencer responds to the hit song "labour" by the British singer Paris Paloma, and demonstrates she's not quite what she seems. -
All Speakers - Morning Panel
In the opening panel, five of the six main speakers (minus Martine De Luna, due to time zones) discuss their talks, what inspired them, and who they're most looking forward to hearing.
Alison Armstrong - "Wisdom"
Solomon, the author of Proverbs, personifies Wisdom as a woman. And iAlison Armstrong has been the embodiment of feminine Wisdom, in ways that have touched the lives of both men and women for more than 30 years. Together, she and I will explore the meaning, purpose, and benefits of Wisdom, in way...