Digital Conference - June 3, 2023
The second edition of the Renaissance of Men Digital Conference. Featuring talks and panels with Alison Armstrong, Feminine Not Feminist, Dear Sister, Solie Olie, Martine De Luna, and Isa Ryan. Hosted by Will Spencer. Sponsored by Reformation
Brandon & Kassy Lansdown - Reformation Coffee
Brandon Lansdown has been hand-roasting coffee beans for 14 years. He and his wife Kassy Lansdown now own and operate Reformation Coffee roaster. They want you to reform your coffee experience, and move away from woke coffee corporations. -
Will Spencer - "Labour?"
Will Spencer responds to the hit song "labour" by the British singer Paris Paloma, and demonstrates she's not quite what she seems. -
All Speakers - Morning Panel
In the opening panel, five of the six main speakers (minus Martine De Luna, due to time zones) discuss their talks, what inspired them, and who they're most looking forward to hearing.
Alison Armstrong - "Wisdom"
Solomon, the author of Proverbs, personifies Wisdom as a woman. And iAlison Armstrong has been the embodiment of feminine Wisdom, in ways that have touched the lives of both men and women for more than 30 years. Together, she and I will explore the meaning, purpose, and benefits of Wisdom, in way...
Dear Sister - "Devotion"
Our culture rewards selfishness with attention and currency. It’s easy to fill up on both and try to become ends in ourselves. But there’s another path, not in filling the self but emptying. What does walking that path look like? What are its benefits? What—or who—could be worth the journey?
Bernadine Bluntly - "Courage"
Lives of virtue are defined by hard choices: to speak when others stay silent; to act when others would sit still; to fight when many would surrender. Choosing these requires an inner resource we draw upon to live in ways that others can’t or won’t. How do we tap into this resource? Where does it...
Solie Olie - "Generosity"
There is a space past giving where we offer a piece of ourselves. We may be giving an object, or a service rendered, but that’s only a channel through which something much more valuable can flow. Not everyone can perceive or receive this gift. But is there meaning in the act itself? When does giv...
Martine De Luna - "Patience"
Our time horizons are vanishing. Prior generations thought in years or decades. In 2023, many can’t think beyond the next swipe, as technology has made necessities and luxuries available at our fingertips. It’s said, “Good things come to those who wait.” In an age of right away, what is worth wai...
Feminine Not Feminist - "Dignity"
The fallen world has sharp claws and a hunger for righteousness. It devours our goodness from the inside. But something within resists. It stands up to what would tear us down and keeps us free in the face of bondage. Where does that something come from? How can we find it? How do we call upon it...
All Speakers - Evening Panel
Isa, Christiana, Martine, Bernadine, Solie, and Annelise join up with Will Spencer for a live Q&A, featuring questions from the audience about the day's talks and information.
Digital Conference - June 3, 2023
10 videos
The second edition of the Renaissance of Men Digital Conference. Featuring talks and panels with Alison Armstrong, Feminine Not Feminist, Dear Sister, Solie Olie, Martine De Luna, and Isa Ryan. Hosted by Will Spencer. Sponsored by Reformation