Digital Conference - March 25, 2023

Digital Conference - March 25, 2023

THE FIRST EDITION OF THE RENAISSANCE OF MEN DIGITAL CONFERENCE — Featuring talks and panels with Will Knowland, Ryan King, Nate Spearing, John David, Lawson Speaks, and Mike Pantile. Hosted by Will Spencer. Sponsored by

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Digital Conference - March 25, 2023
  • Brandon Lansdown - Sponsor Message

    Brandon Lansdown is the Founder & CEO of Reformation Coffee, premiere sponsor of the Renaissance of Men Digital Conference.

    Visit and enter the code SUBFREE to get one free bag of coffee with your monthly subscription.


  • Will Spencer - "Architecture of Virtue"

    Virtues don't exist in isolation, but in constellation. They group together to form sets of cohesive wholes.

    Great thinkers throughout history like Cicero, Aquinas, and Augustine have taken their understanding of virtues even further.

    In this talk, Will Spencer, the founder of the Renaissance...

  • All Speakers - Opening Panel

    All six speakers of the First Edition get together in the morning panel to discuss their upcoming talks, and make a play to each other's audiences to tune in throughout the day.

  • Nathan Spearing - "Courage"

    Every stage of life calls us to become different things: son, student, soldier, husband, father, builder, teacher.

    But some men who succeed in a particularly victorious “summer” often fail to let go when “winter” comes, and they stagnate. Other men release their tie to temporal things and conti...

  • Mike Pantile - "Boldness"

    There is a space between haste and hesitation: just enough thought but not too much, and the right words or actions at the right moment.

    Some men seem to have a “nose” for it, like a sommelier for wine, like a gift.

    Does that gift instruct the man who has it? What might he learn from it? Can ...

  • Lawson Speaks - "Determination"

    There comes a moment in every good man’s life where he says, “This is what I choose to become.”

    Men who make that decision stand tall and stand out. It isn’t all sunshine and roses after that, of course. Often anything but!

    What keeps such a man going in the face of adversity, when he tries t...

  • Will Knowland - Resilience

    A man’s life doesn’t always turn out as planned. For example: speaking simple truths can offend delicate ears, and sometimes those delicate ears have leverage over offices of power.

    In moments like these—which occur in infinite variety—a man’s life isn’t defined by what happens to him, but what...

  • John David - "Self Mastery"

    In an age of infinite distraction and temptation, every man feels his boundaries and “frame” challenged moment-by-moment.

    But the “barbarians” at our gates are all-consuming. A few minutes here or there can lead to total disaster. We see this happening daily.

    Some men choose another path, how...

  • Ryan King - "Heroism"

    Today’s entertainment assigns “hero” status almost exclusively to fictional characters.

    They may wear a cape, carry a lightsaber, wield a sword, or lead a quest, but those are the men we’re instructed to call “hero.”

    But is that all there is to heroism? Is it a role reserved only for our imag...

  • All Speakers - Closing Panel and Q&A

    Will Spencer and the six speakers close out the first Digital Conference taking questions and comments from audience members.

    Don't miss the laughs, camraderie, and strong opinions expressed in this session!

    And thanks for watching the first Renaissance of Men Digital Conference.