All Speakers - Opening Panel
Digital Conference - March 25, 2023
All six speakers of the First Edition get together in the morning panel to discuss their upcoming talks, and make a play to each other's audiences to tune in throughout the day.
Up Next in Digital Conference - March 25, 2023
Nathan Spearing - "Courage"
Every stage of life calls us to become different things: son, student, soldier, husband, father, builder, teacher.
But some men who succeed in a particularly victorious “summer” often fail to let go when “winter” comes, and they stagnate. Other men release their tie to temporal things and conti...
Mike Pantile - "Boldness"
There is a space between haste and hesitation: just enough thought but not too much, and the right words or actions at the right moment.
Some men seem to have a “nose” for it, like a sommelier for wine, like a gift.
Does that gift instruct the man who has it? What might he learn from it? Can ...
Lawson Speaks - "Determination"
There comes a moment in every good man’s life where he says, “This is what I choose to become.”
Men who make that decision stand tall and stand out. It isn’t all sunshine and roses after that, of course. Often anything but!
What keeps such a man going in the face of adversity, when he tries t...